After 24 hours rescue operation official have found the missing helicopter in which Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Rajasekhara Redday was traveling among other four persons. Heavy rain might be the cause of Air crash. YS Rajesekhara Reddy\'s is a famous Congress leader.
The damaged helicopter was found on the top of a hill at 40 miles east of Kurnool. But CM Reddy and other four persons was not found in the helicopter. Rescue operation is going on to search CM.
Yesterday morning (2nd september) nearly at 8.38 A.M.YS Rajasekhara Raddey Reddy,took off from Hydrabad.But after 35 minutes helicopter has lost contact with the air traffic controller.
Air Force Commander Sagar Bharati told to the reporters that they are trying to find out the survivors. He also said \"It was not clear whether the aircraft had crashed\"